MOTOR BICYCLE This bike is precision built by experienced, technicians and guaranteed to give you the quality and satisfaction you deserve! This is fitted with a quality 48cc 2 cycle engine, a DELUXE 1/2 Gallon fuel tank, Rubberized Engine Mounts, heavy duty size 415 chain and more. The powerful 49cc engine and 44 teeth sprocket gives you the power you need to zip around in style and enjoy those errands like never before! |
MB-03 |
MB-03-1 |
Chopper Motor Bicycle
F-wheel:24"*2.1,R-wheel:20"*4-1/4 w/front disc brake
48CC two cycle engine kit |
Chopper Motor Bicycle
F-wheel:24"*2.1,R-wheel:20"*4-1/4 w/front disc brake
48CC two cycle engine kit |
MB-04 |
MB-04-1 |
Beach Cruiser Motor Bicycle
26"*2.125" Tire,w/suspension fork and front disc brake
48CC two cycle engine kit |
Beach Cruiser Motor Bicycle
24"*2.125" Tire,w/suspension fork and front disc brake
48CC two cycle engine kit |
MB-12 |
Beach Cruiser Motor Bicycle
26"*2.125" Tire,w/suspension fork and front disc brake
48CC two cycle engine kit |
44 Tooth sprocket with 9 holes;Magneto with kill switch (on throttle);Low profile carburetor assembly;CD ignition assembly gaskets, and hardware;All the needed mounting brackets . |
MB-10 |
MB-05 |
Mountain Motor Bicycle
26"*2.125" Tire,w/suspension fork and V- brake
48CC two cycle engine kit |
Heavy-duty Motor Bicycle
26"*2.125" Tire,w/suspension fork and front disc brake
48CC two cycle engine kit |